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Showing posts from October, 2018

Dream on and live on... Purpose

There comes a time I believe in one's life where you know exactly what you need and want, a time when without a shadow of a doubt you can clearly articulate what you want to pursue, what you want to achieve and what spaces you want to exist in.  The thing is, this magic does not come at the same time for all of us, there are no buttons you can press to kick off 'my purpose alive' programme, this can be frustrating if you have never been intentional about figuring it out. A lot of emphases has been placed on doing what you love, the problem starts when you have absolutely no idea as to how to get it or when the pursuit seems an impossible journey to start. These are the times where one has to dig deep (like the idols judges say) honestly though, it is looking into a place in yourself that you have never really bothered going before and assessing your strengths, converting your weaknesses. Listen to that inner voice that has been trying to get your attention, truly interrog