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Showing posts from May, 2019

Letting go & moving on

Letting go of stuff, environments and people that no longer serve you can be a difficult thing to do. Seriously hard. Not because you are hung up on the person or situation but the thought of “what next?”. The questions and reality of having to ‘deal’ with the absence of what you maybe once loved, gave energy to, was once fulfilling and somewhat a comfort. This is where most get stuck in my opinion. Self-doubt seeps in with anxiety’s claws clasping onto you, wanting to pull you back into what you're trying to let go of. The fear of the unknown can be paralyzing and the comfort of certainty whether positive or negative, knowing exactly what to expect can keep you hostage in situations you no longer belong. What I’ve realized in my short-long life is that it takes practice. You have to make a conscious decision rid yourself of anything or anyone that no longer serves you; toxic things, people, spaces, habits (not making light of addiction). We hold on to feelings of regret, guil