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Showing posts from 2019

The crippling effect of seeking perfection

The pursuit of perfection, this elusive, seductive idea that convinces you, makes you believe you're close but you never quite get there, never good enough, this ever-moving target. We've heard the saying, "we are born to be happy and not perfect" I despise this phrase, I loathe it! Not because happiness is not a priority. This phrase sits in a weird area of my brain. Where all the things that make absolute sense when processed slowly are but the brain refuses to grasp. The thing is no matter how many times you hear these phrases and they resonate, a part of you will always rationalize why that saying is for others and not you. That the person who makes up these phrases must be lazy, lacks ambition and must relish mediocrity. If you have never thought of it like that, I have. Seeking perfection has left me self-deprecating and not in a cute kind of way, in the real sense of the phrase. It has started conversations with self that belittle, undermine and dis


Taking the time to figure out who you are is important, most of us exist never bothering to truly “self define”. We use cues from our surroundings, messages, and hints from friends and family about who we are and who we ought to be. We never bother to consider alternatives of who we could be or consider that maybe, just maybe, the cues we have at our disposal are limited and could limit our own 'self-view' and how we go through life. If I were born elsewhere in the world would I believe this is the right way to exist and interact with the world? We just do, accept and repeat patterns set before us for others to do the same after us. We question those that dare to do differently and even project our own insecurities making us “haters”,  all because of our limited world view and limited “viable opportunities”. We question others strides and then proceed to belittle them so that our little minds can deal with the fact that we might just be “losers” when in fact we did not app

Letting go & moving on

Letting go of stuff, environments and people that no longer serve you can be a difficult thing to do. Seriously hard. Not because you are hung up on the person or situation but the thought of “what next?”. The questions and reality of having to ‘deal’ with the absence of what you maybe once loved, gave energy to, was once fulfilling and somewhat a comfort. This is where most get stuck in my opinion. Self-doubt seeps in with anxiety’s claws clasping onto you, wanting to pull you back into what you're trying to let go of. The fear of the unknown can be paralyzing and the comfort of certainty whether positive or negative, knowing exactly what to expect can keep you hostage in situations you no longer belong. What I’ve realized in my short-long life is that it takes practice. You have to make a conscious decision rid yourself of anything or anyone that no longer serves you; toxic things, people, spaces, habits (not making light of addiction). We hold on to feelings of regret, guil